Work Package 1 – User-centric Requirements and Process Analysis
The focus of work package 1 is the identification of needs and requirements by the involved stakeholders. Furthermore the legal and ethical framework will be defined in which FairCare will operate. Moreover the work package 1 includes the research on interoperability to third-party software.
Work Package 2 – Solution Design and Concept
In work package 2 the main objective is the design of the overall solution consisting of the software collaboration and matching tool as well as the social franchise model, both based on the results from work package 1.
Work Package 3 – Solution Development and Iterative Adaptions
The overall task in this work package will be to monitor and manage the software development process and the social franchise concept development. The main objective is to present functional software prototypes and usable franchise manuals and concepts for the pilot testing phase.
Work Package 4 – Solution Testing and Piloting
This work package focuses on planning and executing large-scale, international field tests. The goal is to build pilot applications which take regional differences into account and are tailor made to satisfy the regional FairCare stakeholders’ needs and requirements. Scientific methods will evaluate the usability, functionality, interoperability and general franchisability of the solution.
Work Package 5 – Dissemination and Exploitation
The main task of this work package is to pave the way for an international exploitation of the project’s generated knowledge project-internally in order to strengthen each partners’ internal know-how. This work package will also develop the strategies and concepts on how to bring the solution to the market and generate long-term success for the consortium partners.
Work Package 6 – Project Management
The consortium incorporates a process-based management approach in order to guarantee a timely project conclusion while keeping costs under control and more importantly ensure quality. Therefore, a main task for the project management team will be to set-up tools to monitor and disseminate the project’s progress among the consortium.