Questions of service providers

Why should service providers use the FairCare platform? What benefit do they have?

Service providers can reach additional customers for their organisations. Furthermore, they can present their organisation on the FairCare account which is partly public accessible. The users of the FairCare platform (older adults, relatives, …) can search for an appropriate service on the platform via the search function or also by browsing the different categories. It’ also possible to make a request directly with only a few information, which will go through the so-called ‘matching process’. By the matching, automatically the appropriate services for the requester will be found.

Due to the matching between need and service, customers can find services and also service providers better and send out requests to them via the platform. The service providers can send out their offer via e-mail or directly via the platform to the customers. Thus, a fast offering is possible. Moreover the requester can also send a message at the same time to communicate details regarding the desired service. If a service provider have still open questions he also can send a message to the requester. The relatives of the older adults also can make the announcements for their relatives.

FairCare is a comfortable tool for service providers to address new and also existing customers. The allocation and coordination of care and other services is relieved and accelerated.

Do service providers have their own account on the FairCare platform?

Yes, every service provider has his own account on FairCare, which can be handled by the service provider.

How can a service provider get part of the FairCare platform and FairCare community?

Every interested service provider can contact the regarding regional franchisee. After that, the franchisee invites the service provider to a personal meeting. This one decides if the service provider fulfils the desired criteria and finally can get part of the FairCare community. After a positive notice, the service provider can register himself on the FairCare platform and the franchisee will activate the account of the service provider.

How can service providers get in touch with a franchisee?

Via the FairCare platform or website ( or service providers directly contact the franchisee via e-mail, telephone or via a personal meeting.

What kind of services service providers have to offer to get part of the FairCare platform?

These can be various services, formal as well as informal services. The service providers can offer care services like home care, 24h care, places at retirement homes, care consulting but also everyday life services like transport services, pedicure, physiotherapy, cleaning services or gardening. Thus, the most service providers can use the FairCare platform.

How service providers receive demands on the FairCare platform?

Service providers receive an information via e-mail when a request is arrived at the FairCare platform. On the platform it’s possible to read more details about the request.

From whom service providers receive demands?

From users of the FairCare platform, who are mainly older adults, their relatives or friends. It’s also possible that a care person of the older adult or the so-called FairCare Coordinator can send out a request for the older adult. The FairCare Coordinator assist older adults if this is desired.

What preconditions service providers have to fulfil to be part of the FairCare platform?

The service provider needs to have a business license for the pursuit of his business, his place of business needs to be in the franchisee region and he must have an evidence of at least 2 years (in special cases for at least 6 months) of successful business activities in the franchisee region.

Do the employees of the service providers need a specific know-how or specific qualifications to use the FairCare platform?

Service providers need to train the employees who will handle the FairCare platform. For this purpose FairCare offers a basis training.

Do the service providers have to be assigned to a franchisee?

Yes, service providers only can use FairCare, if they are assigned to a franchisee. Because of that service providers need to contact firstly the franchisee before they register on the FairCare platform.